We Are Exporter. We Are Seelling Remote Electric Ride on Power Wheels Battery Rc Car do You Want Bulk Buy Remote Electric Ride on Power Wheels Battery Rc Cars? the Item You Selected Is Brand New Electric Toy Car with All Working Headlights and Brake Lights. the Car Included Forward and Backward Manufacturer from Turkey .
Saturday, July 10, 2010
We Are Exporter. We Are Seelling Remote Electric Ride on Power Wheels Battery Rc Car do You Want Bulk Buy Remote Electric Ride on Power Wheels Battery Rc Cars? the Item You Selected Is Brand New Electric Toy Car with All Working Headlights and Brake Lights. the Car Included Forward and Backward Manufacturer from Turkey .
Friday, July 9, 2010
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1. LeapStart Learning Table from Leap Frog
The LeapStart Learning Table from LeapFrog is an activity table filled with lots and lots of fun activities for your toddler! This is a great educational toy which your child will enjoy. There are 2 modes, a music mode and a learning mode both of which cause the numerous buttons and gadgets on the table to produce a different output. There is a book which teaches the alphabet, a music keyboard which teaches the colors, the trademark frog and much more!2. Laugh and Learn Home from Fisher Price
The award winning Laugh and Learn Home from Fisher Price, a leader in young children's educational toys, is a must buy for your child. It is many things combined into one, and well worth every penny. Your child will love this right from 6 months right till he/she is older. Teaches basic as well as advanced things in a fun filled manner. This educational toy comes highly recommended.3. Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set by Leap Frog
This great educational toy features a set of interactive magnets in the shape of alphabets and a magnetic letter reader, all of which attach to your fridge. It teaches kids the letters, phonics and sings an alphabet song. This learning toy is a great way to keep the kids busy while at the same time teaches them their ABC’s. Kids don’t feel like they are learning, but rather playing. This toy is educational and fun at the same time.4. Leap Frog Learning Drum
This learning drum as the name suggests, is a great cause and effect toy. Your baby bangs on the drum and the drum plays music, or recites the alphabet or numbers in response to your baby’s beats. The interactive voice encourages the baby to hit the drum and the surface of the drum displays numbers or letters. You can change the settings to ABC, 123, Interactive Song, or Follow the Beat. This educational toy is very easy to operate and a good toy to keep your baby occupied.5. Little People Discovery Village
From Fisher Price: "Discovery Village is a very busy place where things are always moving-even the roadway and sidewalk! Kids can discover the familiar sights and sounds of their own community-school, the market and the town square. Press on the cash register to hear the "Muffin Man" song! Press on the desk to hear the "A-B-C" song! Fun actions and sounds all around town, including creating their own concerts in the town square". This is a great educational toy for your child.Advertisement
Zatswho is a set of six colorful, rubbery flashcards that work like flexible photo frames. Slip in a photo of your toddler's faraway Grandma and he'll learn her face in minutes. They can also be used to teach colors and shapes. Zatswho flashcards come in a little carrying pouch, so it makes a cute travel toy!
Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.
Animalogic - What a Fun, Educational Game
I admit it. Sometimes toys sit on my office shelf for a while before I get to them. So I'm human. I got out Animalogic (Compare Prices) after its colorful wooden animals intrigued my son, and I'm so glad I did.
It's an award-winning educational game that challenges kids to get all of the animals across the river while following two simple logic-puzzle rules. Animals can only follow another hippo, giraffe, camel or lion, or they can follow another animal of their color. Sounds simple? Try it.
My kid testers enjoyed setting up the board by following the map in the included puzzle book. I had to sneak a peek at the answers a couple of times and we were only doing the easiest puzzles!
There's no reading required but it's pretty challenging. I think it's appropriately age rated at "5-105."
Kristen's Toys Blog

A couple of weeks ago I shared the story of getting a butterfly habitat started in my kitchen. Mr. Flutterby has now flown the coop, so I thought I'd post an update.
I received a Butterfly Bungalow kit from Insect Lore (Compare Prices) and sent away for the 3-5 caterpillars in the mail. They took a couple of weeks to arrive and there were only two caterpillars in the jar... and one wasn't looking so hot.
Well, we were right. The one caterpillar was dead dead dead, but the other one did its thing exactly as we'd hoped. (With my black thumbs I've killed every preschool seedling that ever adorned my windowsill, so we had fingers tightly crossed.) While I was hoping for more specimens, my kids weren't disappointed because I'd repeatedly prepared them for the worst.
I told my 4-year-old, "We may get some caterpillars in the mail and they may die, but they may grow into butterflies! Wouldn't THAT be great?" Seriously managing expectations here.
The caterpillar made its cocoon, though I wouldn't call it "beautiful," (more like "brown"). In a few days, a colorful butterfly emerged. We kept it in the house for 24 hours (again, I was scared to death I'd kill the thing) then released it in our vegetable garden with much ceremony.
I wasn't prepared for the goopy, brown caterpillar food in the bottom of the jar or the cobweb-like material all around the cocoon. I also didn't expect little brown chunks in there. Caterpillar poop? Who knew? So while it was a little bit nastier than I'd expected, my kids were thrilled to have a jar of caterpillar poop in the kitchen.
They loved seeing the butterfly evolve and I was able to whisk it away before it became a kitchen-counter fixture. In all, success! ...and I did better than my friend who forgot she'd ordered the caterpillars and left the package in her hot car for a week!
Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Cool Firefly
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The Fish Which Changes From Female to Male
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Stinking Plants
Some flowers like to smell like rotting meat. They do it to trick insects. Read on ...
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Children's Art & Craft activities
If you love to make things, this section is packed with art and craft activities. Try your hand at making cards, masks, toys, decorations, a musical instrument out of odds and ends, or make a periscope from household stuff. Choose from a wide variety of printable activities and online craft activities. Try our new Summer Crafts for Kids section or the Arts for Kids section for loads of fun craft activities to keep you busy through the summer.
Make a Toy Periscope
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Imagine your favourite book with its page corners folded by a lazy person who does not care if the book gets spoilt. Do you care? Then make a bookmark yourself. Read on ...
We offers illustrated Bible Stories for Children. Free printable Children's Bible Story Coloring Pages.
Henny Penny
Brer's Rabbit Christmas
Let There Be Light
Elijah and Elisha
An Angel's Visit
"Love Your Enemies"
Mary and Martha
Feeding the Crowds
Alice in Wonderland
The Three Little Pigs
Hansel and Gretel
The Frog Prince
Abraham and Isaac
"Lazarus, Wake Up!"
Daniel and the Lions
Jonah and the Big Fish
Our Pledge To You
We believe that great authors are made, not born. We are willing to develop talent.
We pledge straight talk in a confusing and old-school industry.
We can't promise a sale. We can promise a professional relationship.
p.s. Missed Emails, Spam, Whitelists, and other reasons for lapses in communications. We are very, very diligent about returning every email that we receive within a couple of days. The same is true for our vendors and suppliers. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A COMMUNICATION AND YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE, PLEASE, CHECK WITH US AND WE WILL SEE WHAT HAPPENED. Please don't jump to negative conclusions. The Internet is not 100% foolproof and we are very sensitive to our clients' expectations and our promises about timely communications.
Regardless of how this comes out, I want to say that this has been the mostpleasant method of attempting to contact an agent or publishing firm that I have experienced to date. Thank you for this process. Jo
I find your emails AMAZING so much trouble you seem to take, even if the questions are standard at some point they had to be thought out and written. So congratulations. I am most interested in the questions and answers, as it seems to me that most of the 'authors' seem to treat their productions like over pampered princesses! I can assure you I am not sitting by my computer waiting for the 'invitation to become a star!' My daughter is an actress so I know all about rejection. look forward within 10 days or so from hearing from you. April
AEG Press Release: Acquisition of The Literary Agency Group (TLAG) and Strategic Publishing & Eloquent Books.
Literary Agency Finds Publishers for
Fiction Non-Fiction Children's Christian Poetry International
Self-Published Screenplay Book-To-Film Short Stories Other
As literary agents, it is our job and pleasure to find publishers for our clients. We sell to traditional publishers, NOT vanity presses. We are paid on success only. We do not charge reading fees. We are willing to coach authors to improve their skills. We're growing rapidly and seeking new talent. This is a tremendous opportunity for previously unpublished writers. At the Writers' Literary Agency& Marketing Company,we take pride in finding and developing fresh, new literarytalent. We believe that just because you are an unpublished writer doesn’t meanthat your work should be excluded from the marketplace.We are very proud of the relationships we have with our clients. Click here for a sampling of the positive emails that we receive on a regular basis.
We accept a wide variety of works, including fiction, romance, literary, suspense, novels, mainstream poetry collections, chick lit, etc. If in doubt, submit your work and we will let you know.
We have a special division just for non-fiction (how to, self help, health/nutrition/fitness, spirituality and religion, science, and business). Non-Fiction authors please click here.
We also have a screenplay division and we offer programs to act as literary agents for self-published authors. Book-To-Film authors click here.
How We Work:
We specialize in previously unpublished authors. We also work with previously published authors that have lost their publisher for one reason or another.
First, click on the Submission Instructions link (on the left) and use our form to send us an overview of your work.
Next, we will confirm that we would like to see your work and ask you to email it to us. We will use email almost exclusively.
Finally, we will send you the results of our review.. We are willing to work with previously unpublished writers and assist them in developing their talent. Most of our clients take a bit of extra time to polish their work and we are willing to wait while they do so.
We do not accept short stories (we will take short story compilations), articles,text books, television pilots or ideas, individual poems, or film shorts.
We welcome international clients. We only accept work written in English.
Please click on our Submission Instructions to query us.
We believe we are very different than other agencies. We believe that we are unique in that we are willing to develop an author and their talent. We like the metaphor of a business incubator as a description of how we will take time to bring an author's work to the proper quality level, even if it takes months todo so. We take pride in the fact that we answer every email personally within 2-3 days.
Also, you may understand how a Literary Agency works, but many authors don't. As your Literary Agent, our mission is to assist you in finding a publisher and to coach you along the way in various options available to you. Our job is to find you a publisher that pays you, NOT the other way around. We do not work with self-publishing companies. We DO work with self-published authors seeking a broader audience for their work.
Our mission is to sell for you. As for compensation, we are paid on success only. We DO NOT charge reading fees. Typically we will receive 10% of what you receive if we sell your work. We don't edit. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure we have great work to sell.
We also strive to "give back" to the writing community and we have started a "business blog" that more fully describes what an agency does.
We will work with you to improve and polish your work. Once your work is deemed 'presentable', then we'll start shopping it to buyers. We never promise a sale, but we can tell you that we have a model that works and we promise a professional relationship.
Best regards,
Sherry Fine - V.P. Acquisitions
A) First, please read our submission guidelines and fill out our query form. After that is received we will request that you email us some portion of your work.
Q) Would you prefer me to email or mail my manuscript?
A) If we request your manuscript after you fill out our query form WE MUCH PREFER EMAILED MANUSCRIPTS.
Q) Is my manuscript safe with you?
A) Your materials are safe within our company. If you are uncomfortable sending your entire manuscript, please only send 3-5 chapters. If we do not end up working together we will destroy and delete any copies of your work that we have.
Q) How long does this review take?
A) About 7-10 days. We're faster than most other agencies. Our mission in the Acquisitions Department is clear and very "cut and dried". We answer 3 questions, 1). Will the subject matter sell? Is it commercially viable? 2) Is the writing good enough, or would it be good enough with some degree of assistance? 3) Did you as the evaluator like the work and would you believe in it if you were selling it? If we get a "3 Yes" designation then you pass. The next item we look for in our filtering process is your willingness to listen. We will very quickly wash out a great writer with a bad attitude. After that, we leave it up to the experts to really dig in and get detailed with the structure and format of your work.
Q) Why is there no phone number? I want to talk to someone...
A) Quite frankly, we are deluged with submissions. It is our policy to provide a contact number later in the process, assuming we would like to proceed with you.
Q) Where are you located?
A) We maintain executive suites in NY where we meet with buyers. An executive suite is a shared office space that allows us to keep our overhead expenses down. We have partners in Los Angeles when our work touches Hollywood. Our administrative department prefers to live in Florida. Sometimes we think that we live in airport lounges.
Q) Tell me about your company.
A) We're a bit on the new side, but that is the opportunity for each of us. Most new authors don't get a chance in this closed industry. We are growing through acquisitions. We are bigger than a small agency and smaller than a large agency. We believe in hiring good people. Our company has a very strong background in editing as well. We have a reputation for representing great quality and solid "depth off the bench". We market to the larger and medium sized publishers and producers. We're in this for the long term.
We endeavor to attend the major book trade shows in the US, England, and Germany. We have attended the Book Expo US every year. We don't publicize our deals because of the number of authors that have 'bothered' our clients in the past. Our marketing strategy is explained on this page http://www.theliteraryagencygroup.com/marketing.html.
Q) You're not a vanity publisher or a self-publisher are you?
A) No we're NOT A VANITY OR SELF-publisher in any way, shape or form. Our mission is to sell your work to real and qualified buyers who pay YOU.. WE DO NOT SELL OR MARKET TO VANITY OR SELF-PUBLISHERS..
Q) What are you looking for during your evaluation?
A) We mainly look for COMMERCIAL VIABILITY in the work coupled with good solid writing skills. "Is it something that will sell?" is of paramount importance to us. We believe that great writers are made, not born at least 99% of the time. But if a work doesn't have commercial potential, then we want to let you know as quickly as possible. Being willing to grow talent, we believe in the old adage, "luck is when opportunity meets preparation and hard work".
Q) What if you find errors or problems with my manuscript? Should I spend time revising now, or later?
A) We receive very few 'ready-to-go' manuscripts. We believe we are unique in that we are willing to work with our authors along the way. Most manuscripts that we receive need some level of polishing before we can submit them to buyers. Some need very little polishing. Some need a lot. Over the years, we've learned that it is worth our time and effort to do what it takes to develop new talent. We've learned that incubating new talent makes good business sense.
Q) My manuscript isn't finished....
A) As long as there is enough finished to determine your skills as a writer we are willing to look at your work. As mentioned previously, we take a long term view and we are willing to develop talent.
Q: Do you use form letters?A: For certain communications, of course, doesn't every company? We pride ourselves on using technology to be as efficient as possible. This allows us to work with authors from anywhere in the world. By automating certain elements of our communications we can spend more thoughtful time on your questions that are specific to you and your situation.
Q: How do I know you are for real?A: We ask that you judge us based on the professionalism of our interactions together. However, it may help for you to see a smattering of the unsolicited positive feedback we receive on a regular basis. (If you are really cynical you may think we made these up. However I can assure you that we can legally stand behind anything you read in our communications. These are unedited for authenticity, bad grammar and typos left in.)
I'm sure you get tons of mail, and that you don't have time to read this, but I just wanted to thank you for your professionalism. Wow, I can't believe how efficient you guys are! I've only sent my manuscript to one other agent, and he replied with a very short and grammatically incorrect e-mail that I thought was extremely unprofessional. I also really respect your attitude. In any industry, it's difficult to find people who actually don't put up with the prima-donna attitudes and egos. I like that. Thanks again for looking at my manuscript.
Just a note to say thank you for your amazingly detailed, efficient and rapid service. When I resolved to get an agent this year or bust, I was prepared for the long haul. What I have encountered has been a whirlwind. I am sure that other agents worldwide will soon have to copy your submissions system as the model for a new industry standard, or become extinct.
Thanks a lot for your generous time and consideration. I am impressed by your efficiency and ability to reply in time, unlike most agents who take around four or even more weeks to get back. I am looking forward to a long term professional relationship from you.
Thank you for keeping me posted every step of the way thus far. I am glad your received the two manuscripts you were kind enough to ask from me. It is such an exciting time. To have finished the two books and working on the third as well as constantly thinking of marketing plans for the works. Being a former radio personality, it would be wonderful to use those skills and have interviews conducted and see the book take roots in several areas. You are a true professional and it is appreciated greatly.
I too wish to send in a personal comment on your delightfully refreshing acquisitions process. How different it is to be greeted with wit, intelligence and such a well thought out plan of action! Even if we go no further, I will send others to your company because I have such respect for businesses on the Internet that strive to give their customers the most efficient use of their time. I truly cannot see how one would not appreciate immensely, what you have put together and your commitment to those you do business with.
Please allow me to say thank you for accepting my work for review. I also want to thank you for your timely e-mails and information regarding publishing protocols. It is because of conscientious professionals in the industry like yourself, that allows perspective Writers' to have their voices and ideas heard. Once again, thanks in advance for your timely information and professionalism.
I received my analysis a couple of days ago, looked it over, and found it very insightful. I agree with every aspect of the analysis, and I have already begun making the suggested improvements. As a matter of fact, it suggests that I expand on the vampire mythology aspect. Coincidentally, during those weeks it was being prepared, I had formed some dramatic ideas to include more mythological creatures to support the story's premise, which is that unlike mythological vampires,
Jeeminy, I passed cloud nine so fast I hardly noticed it.I am so pleased and grateful to you folks and Louise of the critique administration. I thank the good Lord for the talent he has given me, but this is far more than I expected. I do plan to make the changes. Why not? I have already started and the difference is remarkable. Rewriting many scenes, booting out the cliches and tidying up the punctuation as well as adding many more words. The advice and recommendations are well received. I will go at it like I'm killing snakes so should be finished in no more than a week.
In conclusion, our business model is not for everyone and we don't accept everyone. We do like new authors and fresh talent. We encourage you to query us.
Most Recent Comments
Samantha: A fantastic story Daniel, a fantastic story:)…
Samantha: What a fantastic story!I loved it!…
indri: i read this story more then twice. its nice story for my son. thank you…
Baseball Mom: Blue Penguin was well worth the wait. Thanks for another fantastic story!…
Thursday, July 1, 2010
An ideal addition to a Gormiti collection is this 12cm figure! This fully articulated figure comes with weapons and is part of the Lords of Nature Return series.
Gormiti are characters engaged in a struggle to conquer the island of Gorm. Each character has its own personality, Magical powers and strength taken directly from the elements Earth, Forest, Sea, Air, and Volcano.

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I want Chocolate a Toy and a Surprise!
Mum of course is very lucky and stumbles across the wonders of the Kinder Surprise Egg. A mixture of milk and white chocolate in the shape of an egg that when you crack it open you will find a small yellow container, open it up and inside is a small toy! Wow, what a surprise! And of course the children were so happy and pleased! I think that this was an American advert that was then brought over for use on our television, the advert had a soft misty look and the voice over was American.I can't remember what the music was like but I can imagine it would have been suitably cheesy.
Kinder Surprise is very popular in America I'm not sure how well it took off over here. I used to love the advert and I know as a child I wanted my mum to bring one back for me after she had been shopping. You can just imagine it can't you ' But mum I want chocolate, toy and a surprise!' moan, moan, whinge, whinge as if children aren't bad enough as it is. I never got them though because they were quite expensive, when I was little I think they were 50p and now they are something like 62p.
The toys are now seen as collectables in some cases and a lot of people are selling them on e-bay. I remember I started to collect some little tortoises in different hats and stuff but gave up in the end. I didn't like the toys that you had to make your self though, too many little bits and the instructions were not very clear. Kinda Surprise Eggs are made by a company called Ferreo a Canadian Company who are the also the makers of the following products:
Tic Tacs - these adverts are normally very good and funny. Ferreo Rocher - we all know this advert although the voice-overs have been dubbed.Nutella - American adverts transferred to the UK again. Personally I think it would be better to create new advertisement suited to the country you are trying to sell in. I do not have any statistics to look at but as a consumer from the UK I would be more impressed if a company had thought about it's target audience and not just aired American adverts they had already made.
I have not seen an advert for Kinder Surprise Eggs in a while but it is nearly Easter so no doubt some will start popping up on our screens soon. I have written this review purely from memory so feel free to correct me if I am incorrect. Leave me a message if you remember the advert as well and if you own and Kinder toys!
Watch the toy TV and listen to the music
This toy will encourage your child to use their fine motor skills to click push the switch from off to on. Then twist the red dial around as far as they can. When the control is released the pictures will wind past the screen showing your child different scenes some with animals playing football. While the screen changes music is played. These are familiar nursery tunes. The tunes are not harsh, they may get on your nerves after a bit but they do not last long and are not those awful American accents in tunes which we often hear on Vtech toys (sorry if I offend but I really do not like the American accent on some of the Vtech toys.) Tots like looking at the pictures as they change. This toy can be used as a language tool. Point to the pictures and name the items. Sing along to the music.
At this price I would say it's a good deal. This toy is quite robust should last a long time. Chad valley is an English firm making toys. Toys were made in the late 1800's early 1900's in Birmingham the Chad valley firm having its roots in a printing and book binding business