Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Literary Agency Finds Publishers for

Click the Link Below for Specific Submission Instructions for Your Genre:

Fiction Non-Fiction Children's Christian Poetry International
Self-Published Screenplay Book-To-Film Short Stories Other

As literary agents, it is our job and pleasure to find publishers for our clients. We sell to traditional publishers, NOT vanity presses. We are paid on success only. We do not charge reading fees. We are willing to coach authors to improve their skills. We're growing rapidly and seeking new talent. This is a tremendous opportunity for previously unpublished writers. At the Writers' Literary Agency& Marketing Company,we take pride in finding and developing fresh, new literarytalent. We believe that just because you are an unpublished writer doesn’t meanthat your work should be excluded from the marketplace.We are very proud of the relationships we have with our clients. Click here for a sampling of the positive emails that we receive on a regular basis.
We accept a wide variety of works, including fiction, romance, literary, suspense, novels, mainstream poetry collections, chick lit, etc. If in doubt, submit your work and we will let you know.
We have a special division just for non-fiction (how to, self help, health/nutrition/fitness, spirituality and religion, science, and business). Non-Fiction authors please click here.
We also have a screenplay division and we offer programs to act as literary agents for self-published authors. Book-To-Film authors click here.
How We Work:
We specialize in previously unpublished authors. We also work with previously published authors that have lost their publisher for one reason or another.
First, click on the Submission Instructions link (on the left) and use our form to send us an overview of your work.
Next, we will confirm that we would like to see your work and ask you to email it to us. We will use email almost exclusively.
Finally, we will send you the results of our review.. We are willing to work with previously unpublished writers and assist them in developing their talent. Most of our clients take a bit of extra time to polish their work and we are willing to wait while they do so.
We do not accept short stories (we will take short story compilations), articles,text books, television pilots or ideas, individual poems, or film shorts.
We welcome international clients. We only accept work written in English.
Please click on our Submission Instructions to query us.
We believe we are very different than other agencies. We believe that we are unique in that we are willing to develop an author and their talent. We like the metaphor of a business incubator as a description of how we will take time to bring an author's work to the proper quality level, even if it takes months todo so. We take pride in the fact that we answer every email personally within 2-3 days.

Also, you may understand how a Literary Agency works, but many authors don't. As your Literary Agent, our mission is to assist you in finding a publisher and to coach you along the way in various options available to you. Our job is to find you a publisher that pays you, NOT the other way around. We do not work with self-publishing companies. We DO work with self-published authors seeking a broader audience for their work.
Our mission is to sell for you. As for compensation, we are paid on success only. We DO NOT charge reading fees. Typically we will receive 10% of what you receive if we sell your work. We don't edit. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure we have great work to sell.
We also strive to "give back" to the writing community and we have started a "business blog" that more fully describes what an agency does.
We will work with you to improve and polish your work. Once your work is deemed 'presentable', then we'll start shopping it to buyers. We never promise a sale, but we can tell you that we have a model that works and we promise a professional relationship.

Best regards,
Sherry Fine - V.P. Acquisitions

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